Eye tracking research
Eye tracking research

Jennifer Romano Bergstrom has over a decade of experience planning, conducting and managing user-centered research projects.

  • The future of the eye-tracking technology.
  • Integrating eye tracking into user-centered design methodology.
  • The Future of Eye Tracking and User Experience
  • Conducting ux research with older adults.
  • Website navigation and search behavior of older adults.
  • Section 4: Eye Tracking with Unique Populations
  • Common eye-tracking research questions and analysis techniques in video games.
  • Relevant game design elements for ux eye tracking and challenges.
  • The technology behind eye tracking mobile device usage.
  • What can eye tracking tell us about mobile design?.
  • Ten things every community manager should know.
  • Design of eye-tracking studies for e-commerce.
  • Conceptual models for designing, analyzing, and interpreting eye tracking.
  • Hunting and gathering: information foraging and information scent.
  • Evaluating the visual hierarchy of navigational elements.
  • Why users should not spend much time looking at navigation.
  • Eye tracking to evaluate navigation in context.
  • Information Architecture and Web Navigation
  • When Eye Tracking of Forms and Surveys Works (and When It Does Not).
  • Some examples of what we can learn from eye tracking forms and surveys.
  • Section 3: Eye Tracking for Specific Applications
  • Physiological response measurement in ux.
  • Practicality of incorporating biometrics.
  • Dimensions of physiological response measures.
  • Considerations and drawbacks with eye tracking in usability studies.
  • Communicating usability results more effectively with clients.
  • Eye-tracking data provides a comprehensive picture of users’ experience and can help inform the design.
  • Incorporating eye tracking in usability testing.
  • Section 2: Evaluating the User Experience
  • The road ahead for designing visual search experiences.
  • What is banner blindness, and why is it important?.
  • Can images of faces impact our search behavior more than other types of images?.
  • Are there different types of visual search?.
  • How do we visually search for information on web pages?.
  • Eye tracking can empower your design team.
  • What eye trackers can and cannot tell us.
  • Section 1: Overview of Eye Tracking and Visual Search

    Eye tracking research